Source code for EQTransformer.utils.hdf5_maker

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sat Aug 31 21:21:31 2019

@author: mostafamousavi

last update: 01/29/2021

- downsampling using the interpolation function can cause false segmentaiton error. 
    This depend on your data and its sampling rate. If you kept getting this error when 
    using multiprocessors, try using only a single cpu. 

from obspy import read
import os
import platform
from os import listdir
from os.path import join
import h5py
import numpy as np
import csv
#from tqdm import tqdm
import shutil
import json
import pandas as pd
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
import multiprocessing
import pickle
import faulthandler; faulthandler.enable()

[docs]def preprocessor(preproc_dir, mseed_dir, stations_json, overlap=0.3, n_processor=None): """ Performs preprocessing and partitions the continuous waveforms into 1-minute slices. Parameters ---------- preproc_dir: str Path of the directory where will be located the summary files generated by preprocessor step. mseed_dir: str Path of the directory where the mseed files are located. stations_json: str Path to a JSON file containing station information. overlap: float, default=0.3 If set, detection, and picking are performed in overlapping windows. n_processor: int, default=None The number of CPU processors for parallel preprocessing. Returns ---------- mseed_dir_processed_hdfs/station.csv: Phase information for the associated events in hypoInverse format. mseed_dir_processed_hdfs/station.hdf5: Containes all slices and preprocessed traces. preproc_dir/X_preprocessor_report.txt: A summary of processing performance. preproc_dir/time_tracks.pkl: Contain the time track of the continous data and its type. """ if not n_processor: n_processor = multiprocessing.cpu_count() json_file = open(stations_json) stations_ = json.load(json_file) save_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), str(mseed_dir)+'_processed_hdfs') if os.path.isdir(save_dir): print(f' *** " {save_dir} " directory already exists!') inp = input(" * --> Do you want to creat a new empty folder? Type (Yes or y) ") if inp.lower() == "yes" or inp.lower() == "y": shutil.rmtree(save_dir) os.makedirs(save_dir) if not os.path.exists(preproc_dir): os.makedirs(preproc_dir) repfile = open(os.path.join(preproc_dir,"X_preprocessor_report.txt"), 'w'); if platform.system() == 'Windows': station_list = [join(mseed_dir, ev) for ev in listdir(mseed_dir) if ev.split("\\")[-1] != ".DS_Store"]; else: station_list = [join(mseed_dir, ev) for ev in listdir(mseed_dir) if ev.split("/")[-1] != ".DS_Store"]; data_track = dict() def process(station): # for station in station_list: if platform.system() == 'Windows': output_name = station.split("\\")[-1]; else: output_name = station.split("/")[-1] try: os.remove(output_name+'.hdf5') os.remove(output_name+".csv") except Exception: pass HDF = h5py.File(os.path.join(save_dir, output_name+'.hdf5'), 'a') HDF.create_group("data") csvfile = open(os.path.join(save_dir, output_name+".csv"), 'w') output_writer = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) output_writer.writerow(['trace_name', 'start_time']) csvfile.flush() if platform.system() == 'Windows': file_list = [join(station, ev) for ev in listdir(station) if ev.split("\\")[-1] != ".DS_Store"]; else: file_list = [join(station, ev) for ev in listdir(station) if ev.split("/")[-1] != ".DS_Store"]; mon = [ev.split('__')[1]+'__'+ev.split('__')[2] for ev in file_list ]; uni_list = list(set(mon)) uni_list.sort() tim_shift = int(60-(overlap*60)) time_slots, comp_types = [], [] if platform.system() == 'Windows': print('============ Station {} has {} chunks of data.'.format(station.split("\\")[-1], len(uni_list)), flush=True) else: print('============ Station {} has {} chunks of data.'.format(station.split("/")[-1], len(uni_list)), flush=True) count_chuncks=0; fln=0; c1=0; c2=0; c3=0; fl_counts=1; slide_estimates=[]; for ct, month in enumerate(uni_list): matching = [s for s in file_list if month in s] if len(matching) == 3: st1 = read(matching[0], debug_headers=True) org_samplingRate = st1[0].stats.sampling_rate for tr in st1: time_slots.append((tr.stats.starttime, tr.stats.endtime)) comp_types.append(3) try: st1.merge(fill_value=0) except Exception: st1=_resampling(st1) st1.merge(fill_value=0) st1.detrend('demean') count_chuncks += 1; c3 += 1 if platform.system() == 'Windows': print(' * '+station.split("\\")[-1]+' ('+str(count_chuncks)+') .. '+month.split('T')[0]+' --> '+month.split('__')[1].split('T')[0]+' .. 3 components .. sampling rate: '+str(org_samplingRate)) else: print(' * '+station.split("/")[-1]+' ('+str(count_chuncks)+') .. '+month.split('T')[0]+' --> '+month.split('__')[1].split('T')[0]+' .. 3 components .. sampling rate: '+str(org_samplingRate)) st2 = read(matching[1], debug_headers=True) try: st2.merge(fill_value=0) except Exception: st2=_resampling(st2) st2.merge(fill_value=0) st2.detrend('demean') st3 = read(matching[2], debug_headers=True) try: st3.merge(fill_value=0) except Exception: st3=_resampling(st3) st3.merge(fill_value=0) st3.detrend('demean') st1.append(st2[0]) st1.append(st3[0]) st1.filter('bandpass',freqmin = 1.0, freqmax = 45, corners=2, zerophase=True) st1.taper(max_percentage=0.001, type='cosine', max_length=2) if len([tr for tr in st1 if tr.stats.sampling_rate != 100.0]) != 0: try: st1.interpolate(100, method="linear") except Exception: st1=_resampling(st1) longest = st1[0].stats.npts start_time = st1[0].stats.starttime end_time = st1[0].stats.endtime for tt in st1: if tt.stats.npts > longest: longest = tt.stats.npts start_time = tt.stats.starttime end_time = tt.stats.endtime st1.trim(start_time, end_time, pad=True, fill_value=0) start_time = st1[0].stats.starttime end_time = st1[0].stats.endtime slide_estimates.append((end_time - start_time)//tim_shift) fl_counts += 1 chanL = [st1[0][-1], st1[1][-1], st1[2][-1]] next_slice = start_time+60 while next_slice <= end_time: w = st1.slice(start_time, next_slice) npz_data = np.zeros([6000,3]) npz_data[:,2] = w[chanL.index('Z')].data[:6000] try: npz_data[:,0] = w[chanL.index('E')].data[:6000] except Exception: npz_data[:,0] = w[chanL.index('1')].data[:6000] try: npz_data[:,1] = w[chanL.index('N')].data[:6000] except Exception: npz_data[:,1] = w[chanL.index('2')].data[:6000] tr_name = st1[0].stats.station+'_'+st1[0]'_'+st1[0][:2]+'_'+str(start_time) HDF = h5py.File(os.path.join(save_dir,output_name+'.hdf5'), 'r') dsF = HDF.create_dataset('data/'+tr_name, npz_data.shape, data = npz_data, dtype= np.float32) dsF.attrs["trace_name"] = tr_name if platform.system() == 'Windows': dsF.attrs["receiver_code"] = station.split("\\")[-1] dsF.attrs["network_code"] = stations_[station.split("\\")[-1]]['network'] dsF.attrs["receiver_latitude"] = stations_[station.split("\\")[-1]]['coords'][0] dsF.attrs["receiver_longitude"] = stations_[station.split("\\")[-1]]['coords'][1] dsF.attrs["receiver_elevation_m"] = stations_[station.split("\\")[-1]]['coords'][2] else: dsF.attrs["receiver_code"] = station.split("/")[-1] dsF.attrs["network_code"] = stations_[station.split("/")[-1]]['network'] dsF.attrs["receiver_latitude"] = stations_[station.split("/")[-1]]['coords'][0] dsF.attrs["receiver_longitude"] = stations_[station.split("/")[-1]]['coords'][1] dsF.attrs["receiver_elevation_m"] = stations_[station.split("/")[-1]]['coords'][2] start_time_str = str(start_time) start_time_str = start_time_str.replace('T', ' ') start_time_str = start_time_str.replace('Z', '') dsF.attrs['trace_start_time'] = start_time_str HDF.flush() output_writer.writerow([str(tr_name), start_time_str]) csvfile.flush() fln += 1 start_time = start_time+tim_shift next_slice = next_slice+tim_shift if len(matching) == 1: count_chuncks += 1; c1 += 1 st1 = read(matching[0], debug_headers=True) org_samplingRate = st1[0].stats.sampling_rate for tr in st1: time_slots.append((tr.stats.starttime, tr.stats.endtime)) comp_types.append(1) try: st1.merge(fill_value=0) except Exception: st1=_resampling(st1) st1.merge(fill_value=0) st1.detrend('demean') if platform.system() == 'Windows': print(' * '+station.split("\\")[-1]+' ('+str(count_chuncks)+') .. '+month.split('T')[0]+' --> '+month.split('__')[1].split('T')[0]+' .. 1 components .. sampling rate: '+str(org_samplingRate)) else: print(' * '+station.split("/")[-1]+' ('+str(count_chuncks)+') .. '+month.split('T')[0]+' --> '+month.split('__')[1].split('T')[0]+' .. 1 components .. sampling rate: '+str(org_samplingRate)) st1.filter('bandpass',freqmin = 1.0, freqmax = 45, corners=2, zerophase=True) st1.taper(max_percentage=0.001, type='cosine', max_length=2) if len([tr for tr in st1 if tr.stats.sampling_rate != 100.0]) != 0: try: st1.interpolate(100, method="linear") except Exception: st1=_resampling(st1) chan = st1[0] start_time = st1[0].stats.starttime end_time = st1[0].stats.endtime slide_estimates.append((end_time - start_time)//tim_shift) fl_counts += 1 next_slice = start_time+60 while next_slice <= end_time: w = st1.slice(start_time, next_slice) npz_data = np.zeros([6000,3]) if chan[-1] == 'Z': npz_data[:,2] = w[0].data[:6000] if chan[-1] == 'E' or chan[-1] == '1': npz_data[:,0] = w[0].data[:6000] if chan[-1] == 'N' or chan[-1] == '2': npz_data[:,1] = w[0].data[:6000] tr_name = st1[0].stats.station+'_'+st1[0]'_'+st1[0][:2]+'_'+str(start_time) HDF = h5py.File(os.path.join(save_dir,output_name+'.hdf5'), 'r') dsF = HDF.create_dataset('data/'+tr_name, npz_data.shape, data = npz_data, dtype= np.float32) dsF.attrs["trace_name"] = tr_name if platform.system() == 'Windows': dsF.attrs["receiver_code"] = station.split("\\")[-1] dsF.attrs["network_code"] = stations_[station.split("\\")[-1]]['network'] dsF.attrs["receiver_latitude"] = stations_[station.split("\\")[-1]]['coords'][0] dsF.attrs["receiver_longitude"] = stations_[station.split("\\")[-1]]['coords'][1] dsF.attrs["receiver_elevation_m"] = stations_[station.split("\\")[-1]]['coords'][2] else: dsF.attrs["receiver_code"] = station.split("/")[-1] dsF.attrs["network_code"] = stations_[station.split("/")[-1]]['network'] dsF.attrs["receiver_latitude"] = stations_[station.split("/")[-1]]['coords'][0] dsF.attrs["receiver_longitude"] = stations_[station.split("/")[-1]]['coords'][1] dsF.attrs["receiver_elevation_m"] = stations_[station.split("/")[-1]]['coords'][2] start_time_str = str(start_time) start_time_str = start_time_str.replace('T', ' ') start_time_str = start_time_str.replace('Z', '') dsF.attrs['trace_start_time'] = start_time_str HDF.flush() output_writer.writerow([str(tr_name), start_time_str]) csvfile.flush() fln += 1 start_time = start_time+tim_shift next_slice = next_slice+tim_shift if len(matching) == 2: count_chuncks += 1; c2 += 1 st1 = read(matching[0], debug_headers=True) org_samplingRate = st1[0].stats.sampling_rate for tr in st1: time_slots.append((tr.stats.starttime, tr.stats.endtime)) comp_types.append(2) try: st1.merge(fill_value=0) except Exception: st1=_resampling(st1) st1.merge(fill_value=0) st1.detrend('demean') org_samplingRate = st1[0].stats.sampling_rate if platform.system() == 'Windows': print(' * '+station.split("\\")[-1]+' ('+str(count_chuncks)+') .. '+month.split('T')[0]+' --> '+month.split('__')[1].split('T')[0]+' .. 2 components .. sampling rate: '+str(org_samplingRate)) else: print(' * '+station.split("/")[-1]+' ('+str(count_chuncks)+') .. '+month.split('T')[0]+' --> '+month.split('__')[1].split('T')[0]+' .. 2 components .. sampling rate: '+str(org_samplingRate)) st2 = read(matching[1], debug_headers=True) try: st2.merge(fill_value=0) except Exception: st2=_resampling(st1) st2.merge(fill_value=0) st2.detrend('demean') st1.append(st2[0]) st1.filter('bandpass',freqmin = 1.0, freqmax = 45, corners=2, zerophase=True) st1.taper(max_percentage=0.001, type='cosine', max_length=2) if len([tr for tr in st1 if tr.stats.sampling_rate != 100.0]) != 0: try: st1.interpolate(100, method="linear") except Exception: st1=_resampling(st1) longest = st1[0].stats.npts start_time = st1[0].stats.starttime end_time = st1[0].stats.endtime for tt in st1: if tt.stats.npts > longest: longest = tt.stats.npts start_time = tt.stats.starttime end_time = tt.stats.endtime st1.trim(start_time, end_time, pad=True, fill_value=0) start_time = st1[0].stats.starttime end_time = st1[0].stats.endtime slide_estimates.append((end_time - start_time)//tim_shift) chan1 = st1[0] chan2 = st1[1] fl_counts += 1 next_slice = start_time+60 while next_slice <= end_time: w = st1.slice(start_time, next_slice) npz_data = np.zeros([6000,3]) if chan1[-1] == 'Z': npz_data[:,2] = w[0].data[:6000] elif chan1[-1] == 'E' or chan1[-1] == '1': npz_data[:,0] = w[0].data[:6000] elif chan1[-1] == 'N' or chan1[-1] == '2': npz_data[:,1] = w[0].data[:6000] if chan2[-1] == 'Z': npz_data[:,2] = w[1].data[:6000] elif chan2[-1] == 'E' or chan2[-1] == '1': npz_data[:,0] = w[1].data[:6000] elif chan2[-1] == 'N' or chan2[-1] == '2': npz_data[:,1] = w[1].data[:6000] tr_name = st1[0].stats.station+'_'+st1[0]'_'+st1[0][:2]+'_'+str(start_time) HDF = h5py.File(os.path.join(save_dir,output_name+'.hdf5'), 'r') dsF = HDF.create_dataset('data/'+tr_name, npz_data.shape, data = npz_data, dtype= np.float32) dsF.attrs["trace_name"] = tr_name if platform.system() == 'Windows': dsF.attrs["receiver_code"] = station.split("\\")[-1] dsF.attrs["network_code"] = stations_[station.split("\\")[-1]]['network'] dsF.attrs["receiver_latitude"] = stations_[station.split("\\")[-1]]['coords'][0] dsF.attrs["receiver_longitude"] = stations_[station.split("\\")[-1]]['coords'][1] dsF.attrs["receiver_elevation_m"] = stations_[station.split("\\")[-1]]['coords'][2] else: dsF.attrs["receiver_code"] = station.split("/")[-1] dsF.attrs["network_code"] = stations_[station.split("/")[-1]]['network'] dsF.attrs["receiver_latitude"] = stations_[station.split("/")[-1]]['coords'][0] dsF.attrs["receiver_longitude"] = stations_[station.split("/")[-1]]['coords'][1] dsF.attrs["receiver_elevation_m"] = stations_[station.split("/")[-1]]['coords'][2] start_time_str = str(start_time) start_time_str = start_time_str.replace('T', ' ') start_time_str = start_time_str.replace('Z', '') dsF.attrs['trace_start_time'] = start_time_str HDF.flush() output_writer.writerow([str(tr_name), start_time_str]) csvfile.flush() fln += 1 start_time = start_time+tim_shift next_slice = next_slice+tim_shift st1, st2, st3 = None, None, None HDF.close() dd = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(save_dir, output_name+".csv")) assert count_chuncks == len(uni_list) assert sum(slide_estimates)-(fln/100) <= len(dd) <= sum(slide_estimates)+10 data_track[output_name]=[time_slots, comp_types] print(f" Station {output_name} had {len(uni_list)} chuncks of data") print(f"{len(dd)} slices were written, {sum(slide_estimates)} were expected.") print(f"Number of 1-components: {c1}. Number of 2-components: {c2}. Number of 3-components: {c3}.") try: print(f"Original samplieng rate: {org_samplingRate}.") repfile.write(f' Station {output_name} had {len(uni_list)} chuncks of data, {len(dd)} slices were written, {int(sum(slide_estimates))} were expected. Number of 1-components: {c1}, Number of 2-components: {c2}, number of 3-components: {c3}, original samplieng rate: {org_samplingRate}\n') except Exception: pass with ThreadPool(n_processor) as p:, station_list) with open(os.path.join(preproc_dir,'time_tracks.pkl'), 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(data_track, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
[docs]def stationListFromMseed(mseed_directory, station_locations, dir_json='./'): """ Contributed by: Tyler Newton Reads all miniseed files contained within subdirectories in the specified directory and generates a station_list.json file that describes the miniseed files in the correct format for EQTransformer. Parameters ---------- mseed_directory: str String specifying the absolute path to the directory containing miniseed files. Directory must contain subdirectories of station names, which contain miniseed files in the EQTransformer format. Each component must be a seperate miniseed file, and the naming convention is GS.CA06.00.HH1__20190901T000000Z__20190902T000000Z .mseed, or more generally NETWORK.STATION.LOCATION.CHANNEL__STARTTIMESTAMP__ENDTIMESTAMP.mseed where LOCATION is optional. station_locations: dict Dictonary with station names as keys and lists of latitude, longitude, and elevation as items. For example: {"CA06": [35.59962, -117.49268, 796.4], "CA10": [35.56736, -117.667427, 835.9]} dir_json: str String specifying the path to the output json file. Returns ------- stations_list.json: A dictionary containing information for the available stations. Example ------- directory = '/Users/human/Downloads/eqt/examples/downloads_mseeds' locations = {"CA06": [35.59962, -117.49268, 796.4], "CA10": [35.56736, -117.667427, 835.9]} stationListFromMseed(directoy, locations) """ station_list = {} # loop through subdirectories of specified directory for subdirectory in os.scandir(mseed_directory): if subdirectory.is_dir(): channels = [] # build channel list from miniseed files for mseed_file in os.scandir(subdirectory.path): temp_stream = read(mseed_file.path, debug_headers=True) channels.append(temp_stream[0] # add entry to station list for the current station station_list[str(temp_stream[0].stats.station)] = {"network": temp_stream[0], "channels": list(set( channels)), "coords": station_locations[str( temp_stream[0].stats.station)]} if not os.path.exists(dir_json): os.makedirs(dir_json) jfilename = os.path.join(dir_json, 'station_list.json') with open(jfilename, 'w') as fp: json.dump(station_list, fp)
def _resampling(st): need_resampling = [tr for tr in st if tr.stats.sampling_rate != 100.0] if len(need_resampling) > 0: # print('resampling ...', flush=True) for indx, tr in enumerate(need_resampling): if < 0.01: tr.filter('lowpass',freq=45,zerophase=True) tr.resample(100) tr.stats.sampling_rate = 100 = 0.01 = 'int32' st.remove(tr) st.append(tr) return st