Source code for EQTransformer.utils.downloader

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sat Aug 31 21:21:31 2019

@author: mostafamousavi

last update: 01/29/2021 
import json
import time
from obspy.clients.fdsn.mass_downloader import RectangularDomain, Restrictions, MassDownloader
from obspy import UTCDateTime
import datetime
import os
import platform
from obspy.clients.fdsn.client import Client
import shutil
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
import multiprocessing
import numpy as np

[docs]def makeStationList(json_path,client_list, min_lat, max_lat, min_lon, max_lon, start_time, end_time, channel_list=[], filter_network=[], filter_station=[],**kwargs): """ Uses fdsn to find available stations in a specific geographical location and time period. Parameters ---------- json_path: str Path of the json file that will be returned client_list: list List of client names e.g. ["IRIS", "SCEDC", "USGGS"]. min_lat: float Min latitude of the region. max_lat: float Max latitude of the region. min_lon: float Min longitude of the region. max_lon: float Max longitude of the region. start_time: str Start DateTime for the beginning of the period in "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.f" format. end_time: str End DateTime for the beginning of the period in "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.f" format. channel_list: str, default=[] A list containing the desired channel codes. Downloads will be limited to these channels based on priority. Defaults to [] --> all channels filter_network: str, default=[] A list containing the network codes that need to be avoided. filter_station: str, default=[] A list containing the station names that need to be avoided. kwargs: special symbol for passing Client.get_stations arguments Returns ---------- stations_list.json: A dictionary containing information for the available stations. """ station_list = {} for cl in client_list: inventory = Client(cl).get_stations(minlatitude=min_lat, maxlatitude=max_lat, minlongitude=min_lon, maxlongitude=max_lon, starttime=UTCDateTime(start_time), endtime=UTCDateTime(end_time), level='channel',**kwargs) for ev in inventory: net = ev.code if net not in filter_network: for st in ev: station = st.code print(str(net)+"--"+str(station)) if station not in filter_station: elv = st.elevation lat = st.latitude lon = st.longitude new_chan = [ch.code for ch in st.channels] if len(channel_list) > 0: chan_priority=[ch[:2] for ch in channel_list] for chnn in chan_priority: if chnn in [ch[:2] for ch in new_chan]: new_chan = [ch for ch in new_chan if ch[:2] == chnn] # ============================================================================= # if ("BHZ" in new_chan) and ("HHZ" in new_chan): # new_chan = [ch for ch in new_chan if ch[:2] != "BH"] # if ("HHZ" in new_chan) and ("HNZ" in new_chan): # new_chan = [ch for ch in new_chan if ch[:2] != "HH"] # # if len(new_chan)>3 and len(new_chan)%3 != 0: # chan_type = [ch for ch in new_chan if ch[2] == 'Z'] # chan_groups = [] # for i, cht in enumerate(chan_type): # chan_groups.append([ch for ch in new_chan if ch[:2] == cht[:2]]) # new_chan2 = [] # for chg in chan_groups: # if len(chg) == 3: # new_chan2.append(chg) # new_chan = new_chan2 # ============================================================================= if len(new_chan) > 0 and (station not in station_list): station_list[str(station)] ={"network": net, "channels": list(set(new_chan)), "coords": [lat, lon, elv] } json_dir = os.path.dirname(json_path) if not os.path.exists(json_dir): os.makedirs(json_dir) with open(json_path, 'w') as fp: json.dump(station_list, fp)
[docs]def downloadMseeds(client_list, stations_json, output_dir, start_time, end_time, min_lat, max_lat, min_lon, max_lon, chunk_size, channel_list=[], n_processor=None): """ Uses obspy mass downloader to get continuous waveforms from a specific client in miniseed format in variable chunk sizes. The minimum chunk size is 1 day. Parameters ---------- client_list: list List of client names e.g. ["IRIS", "SCEDC", "USGGS"]. stations_json: dic, Station informations. output_dir: str Output directory. min_lat: float Min latitude of the region. max_lat: float Max latitude of the region. min_lon: float Min longitude of the region. max_lon: float Max longitude of the region. start_time: str Start DateTime for the beginning of the period in "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.f" format. end_time: str End DateTime for the beginning of the period in "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.f" format. channel_list: str, default=[] A list containing the desired channel codes. Downloads will be limited to these channels based on priority. Defaults to [] --> all channels chunk_size: int Chunck size in day. n_processor: int, default=None Number of CPU processors for parallel downloading. Returns ---------- output_name/station_name/*.mseed: Miniseed fiels for each station. Warning ---------- usage of multiprocessing and parallel downloads heavily depends on the client. It might cause missing some data for some network. Please test first for some short period and if It did miss some chunks of data for some channels then set n_processor=None to avoid parallel downloading. """ json_file = open(stations_json) station_dic = json.load(json_file) print(f"####### There are {len(station_dic)} stations in the list. #######") start_t = UTCDateTime(start_time) end_t = UTCDateTime(end_time) domain = RectangularDomain(minlatitude=min_lat, maxlatitude=max_lat, minlongitude=min_lon, maxlongitude=max_lon) mdl = MassDownloader(providers=client_list) bg=start_t if n_processor==None: for st in station_dic: print(f'======= Working on {st} station.') _get_w(bg, st, station_dic, end_t, mdl, domain, output_dir, chunk_size, channel_list) else: def process(st): print(f'======= Working on {st} station.') _get_w(bg, st, station_dic, end_t, mdl, domain, output_dir, chunk_size, channel_list) with ThreadPool(n_processor) as p:, [ st for st in station_dic])
[docs]def downloadSacs(client, stations_json, output_dir, start_time, end_time, patience, n_processor=None): """ Uses obspy to get continuous waveforms from IRIS in sac format after preprocessing and in daily chunks. The difference to the mseed downloader is that this function removes the instrument response as it gets the data. Parameters ---------- client_list: list List of client names e.g. ["IRIS", "SCEDC", "USGGS"]. stations_json: dic, Station informations. output_dir: str Output directory. start_time: str Start DateTime for the beginning of the period in "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.f" format. end_time: str End DateTime for the beginning of the period in "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.f" format. patience: int The maximum number of days without data that the program allows continuing the downloading. chunk_size: int Chunck size in day. n_processor: int, default=None Number of CPU processors for parallel downloading. Returns ---------- output_name/station_name/*.SAC: SAC fiels for each station. Warning ---------- This function was not tested so you should be careful using it and make sure it gets the data. """ if not n_processor: n_processor = multiprocessing.cpu_count() t_step = 86400 fr = open(stations_json, 'r'); new_list = json.load(fr) print(f"####### There are {len(new_list)} stations in the list. #######") if platform.system() == 'Windows': if not os.path.exists(output_dir+"\\"): os.makedirs(output_dir+"\\") else: if not os.path.exists(output_dir+"/"): os.makedirs(output_dir+"/") def process(station): net = new_list[station]['network'] if platform.system() == 'Windows': dirname = str(station)+"\\" if not os.path.exists(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) else: dirname = str(station)+"/" if not os.path.exists(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) chans = new_list[station]['channels'] for chan in chans: print(f'======= Working on {station} station, {chan} channel.') unsucessful_downloads = [] tstr = UTCDateTime(start_time) tend = UTCDateTime(start_time) + t_step while tend <= UTCDateTime(end_time): oo = _get_data(cel=client, dirn=dirname, net=net, station=station, chan=chan, starttime=tstr, tend=tend, count=0) unsucessful_downloads.append(oo) if sum(unsucessful_downloads) >= patience: break tstr = tend tend = tend+t_step if len(os.listdir(dirname)) == 0: os.rmdir(dirname) else: shutil.move(dirname, output_dir+"/"+dirname) with ThreadPool(n_processor) as p:, new_list)
def _get_w(bg, st, station_dic, end_t, mdl, domain, output_dir, n_days, channel_list): next_month=bg + datetime.timedelta(n_days) nt = station_dic[str(st)]['network'] save_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, st) save_dir2 = os.path.join(output_dir+"xml", st) while next_month <= end_t: if len(channel_list) == 0: restrictions = Restrictions(starttime=bg, endtime=next_month, network=nt, station=st, reject_channels_with_gaps=False, minimum_length=0.0) else: restrictions = Restrictions(starttime=bg, endtime=next_month, network=nt, station=st, reject_channels_with_gaps=False, channel_priorities=channel_list, minimum_length=0.0) try:, restrictions, mseed_storage = save_dir, stationxml_storage = save_dir2) print(f"** done with --> {st} -- {nt} -- {str(bg).split('T')[0]}") except Exception: print(f"!! failed downloading --> {st} -- {nt} !") pass time.sleep(np.random.randint(25, 30)) bg = next_month next_month = bg + datetime.timedelta(n_days) def _get_data(**kwargs): global out stio = kwargs['station']; cha = kwargs['chan'] try: st = kwargs['cel'].get_waveforms(network=kwargs['net'], station=kwargs['station'], channel=kwargs['chan'], starttime=kwargs['starttime'], endtime=kwargs['tend'], location=False, attach_response=True) tt = str(kwargs['starttime']).split('T')[0] print(f"** --> got {stio} -- {cha} -- {tt}") st.merge(method=1, fill_value='interpolate') # st.interpolate(sampling_rate=100) st[0].resample(100) st[0].data.dtype = 'int32' st.detrend("demean") pre_filt = [0.8, 9.5, 40, 45] st.remove_response(pre_filt=pre_filt,water_level=10,taper=True,taper_fraction=0.05) # st.filter('bandpass',freqmin = 1.0, freqmax = 45, corners=2, zerophase=True) st.write(filename=kwargs['dirn']+kwargs['net']+'.'+kwargs['station']+'..'+kwargs['chan']+"__"+str(kwargs['starttime']).split('T')[0].replace("-", "")+"T000000Z__"+str(kwargs['tend']).split('T')[0].replace("-", "")+"T000000Z.SAC",format="SAC") out = 0 except: c = kwargs['count'] print(f're-try downloading for {c} time!') kwargs['count'] += 1 if kwargs['count'] <= 5: time.sleep(50) out = _get_data(cel=kwargs['cel'], dirn=kwargs['dirn'], net=kwargs['net'], station=kwargs['station'], chan=kwargs['chan'], starttime=kwargs['starttime'], tend=kwargs['tend'], count=kwargs['count']) else: print(f"!! didnt get ---> {stio} --- {cha}") out = 1 return out