Source code for EQTransformer.utils.associator

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Dec 27 18:52:42 2019

@author: mostafamousavi

last update: 01/29/2021

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from tqdm import tqdm
import numpy as np
import json
import os
import platform
import sqlite3 
import pandas as pd
import csv
from os import listdir
import h5py
#import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from obspy import UTCDateTime
from obspy.signal.trigger import ar_pick
from obspy.signal.trigger import recursive_sta_lta, trigger_onset
from itertools import combinations
from obspy.core.event import Catalog, Event, Origin, Arrival, Pick, WaveformStreamID

[docs]def run_associator(input_dir, start_time, end_time, moving_window=15, pair_n=3, output_dir='.', consider_combination=False): """ It performs a very simple association based on detection times on multiple stations. It works fine when you have a small and local network of seismic stations. Parameters ---------- input_dir: str, default=None Directory name containing hdf5 and csv files-preprocessed data. start_time: str, default=None Start of a time period of interest in 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.f' format. end_time: str, default=None End of a timeperiod of interest in 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.f' format. moving_window: int, default=15 The length of time window used for association in second. pair_n: int, default=2 The minimum number of stations used for the association. output_dir: str, default='.' Path to the directory to write the output file. consider_combination: bool, default=False If True, it will write down all possible combinations of picked arrival times for each event. This will generate multiple events with the same ID, and you will need to remove those with poor solutions after location. This helps to remove the false positives from the associated event. Returns ---------- output_dir/Y2000.phs: Phase information for the associated events in hypoInverse format. output_dir/associations.xml: quakeml output (containing origin and pick objects - using ObsPy functions). QuakeML is useful so that the user can then easily use ObsPy to generate input for other relocator methods (e.g. NonLinLoc). Contributed by Stephen Hicks output_dir/traceNmae_dic.json: A dictionary where the trace name for all the detections associated to an event are listed. This can be used later to access the traces for calculating the cross-correlations during the relocation process. Warning ---------- Unlike the other modules, this function does not create the ouput directory. So if the given path does not exist will give an error. """ if os.path.exists("phase_dataset"): os.remove("phase_dataset") conn = sqlite3.connect("phase_dataset") cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute(''' CREATE TABLE phase_dataset (traceID TEXT, network TEXT, station TEXT, instrument_type TEXT, stlat NUMERIC, stlon NUMERIC, stelv NUMERIC, event_start_time DateTime, event_end_time DateTime, detection_prob NUMERIC, detection_unc NUMERIC, p_arrival_time DateTime, p_prob NUMERIC, p_unc NUMERIC, p_snr NUMERIC, s_arrival_time DateTime, s_prob NUMERIC, s_unc NUMERIC, s_snr NUMERIC, amp NUMERIC )''') if platform.system() == 'Windows': station_list = [ev for ev in listdir(input_dir) if ev.split("\\")[-1] != ".DS_Store"]; else: station_list = [ev for ev in listdir(input_dir) if ev.split("/")[-1] != ".DS_Store"]; station_list = sorted(set(station_list)) for st in station_list: print(f'reading {st} ...') if platform.system() == 'Windows': _pick_database_maker(conn, cur, input_dir+"\\"+st+'"\\"X_prediction_results.csv') else: _pick_database_maker(conn, cur, input_dir+"/"+st+'/X_prediction_results.csv') # read the database as dataframe conn = sqlite3.connect("phase_dataset") tbl = pd.read_sql_query("SELECT * FROM phase_dataset", conn); #tbl = tbl[tbl.p_prob > 0.3] #tbl = tbl[tbl.s_prob > 0.3] tbl['event_start_time'] = tbl['event_start_time'].apply(lambda row : _date_convertor(row)) tbl['event_end_time'] = tbl['event_end_time'].apply(lambda row : _date_convertor(row)) tbl['p_arrival_time'] = tbl['p_arrival_time'].apply(lambda row : _date_convertor(row)) tbl['s_arrival_time'] = tbl['s_arrival_time'].apply(lambda row : _date_convertor(row)) _dbs_associator(start_time, end_time, moving_window, tbl, pair_n, output_dir, station_list, consider_combination) os.remove("phase_dataset")
def _pick_database_maker(conn, cur, input_file): csv_file = open(input_file) csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',') line_count = 0 for row in csv_reader: if line_count == 0: # print(f'Column names are {", ".join(row)}') line_count += 1 else: line_count += 1 traceID = row[0] network = row[1] station = row[2] instrument_type = row[3] stlat = float(row[4]) stlon = float(row[5]) stelv = float(row[6]) mls = row[7].split('.') if len(mls) == 1: event_start_time = datetime.strptime(row[7], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') else: event_start_time = datetime.strptime(row[7], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') mls = row[8].split('.') if len(mls) == 1: event_end_time = datetime.strptime(row[8], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') else: event_end_time = datetime.strptime(row[8], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') detection_prob = float(row[9]) try: detection_unc = float(row[10]) except Exception: detection_unc = None if len(row[11]) > 10: # p_arrival_time = UTCDateTime(row[11].replace(' ', 'T')+'Z') mls = row[11].split('.') if len(mls) == 1: p_arrival_time = datetime.strptime(row[11], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') else: p_arrival_time = datetime.strptime(row[11], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') p_prob = float(row[12]) try: p_unc = float(row[13]) except Exception: p_unc = None else: p_arrival_time = None p_prob = None p_unc = None try: p_snr = float(row[14]) except Exception: p_snr = None if len(row[15]) > 10: mls = row[15].split('.') if len(mls) == 1: s_arrival_time = datetime.strptime(row[15], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') else: s_arrival_time = datetime.strptime(row[15], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') s_prob = float(row[16]) try: s_unc = float(row[17]) except Exception: s_unc = None else: s_arrival_time = None s_prob = None s_unc = None try: s_snr = float(row[18]) except Exception: s_snr = None amp = None cur.execute('''INSERT INTO phase_dataset VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?, ?)''', (traceID, network, station, instrument_type, stlat, stlon, stelv, event_start_time, event_end_time, detection_prob, detection_unc, p_arrival_time, p_prob, p_unc, p_snr, s_arrival_time, s_prob, s_unc, s_snr, amp)) conn.commit() def _decimalDegrees2DMS(value,type): 'Converts a Decimal Degree Value into Degrees Minute Seconds Notation. Pass value as double type = {Latitude or Longitude} as string returns a string as D:M:S:Direction created by:' degrees = int(value) submin = abs( (value - int(value) ) * 60) direction = "" if type == "Longitude": if degrees < 0: direction = "W" elif degrees > 0: direction = " " else: direction = "" notation = ["{:>3}".format(str(abs(degrees))), direction, "{:>5}".format(str(round(submin, 2)))] elif type == "Latitude": if degrees < 0: direction = "S" elif degrees > 0: direction = " " else: direction = "" notation =["{:>2}".format(str(abs(degrees))), direction, "{:>5}".format(str(round(submin, 2)))] return notation def _weighcalculator_prob(pr): 'calculate the picks weights' weight = 4 if pr > 0.6: weight = 0 elif pr <= 0.6 and pr > 0.5: weight = 1 elif pr <= 0.5 and pr > 0.2: weight = 2 elif pr <= 0.2 and pr > 0.1: weight = 3 elif pr <= 0.1: weight = 4 return weight def _date_convertor(r): 'convert datatime form string' if r and len(r)>5: mls = r.split('.') if len(mls) == 1: new_t = datetime.strptime(r, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') else: new_t = datetime.strptime(r, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') return new_t def _doubleChecking(station_list, detections, preprocessed_dir, moving_window, thr_on=3.7, thr_of=0.5): 'this function perform traditional detection (STA/LTA) and picker (AIC) to double check for events on the remaining stations when an event has been detected on more than two stations' for stt in station_list: sttt = stt.split('_')[0] # print(sttt) if sttt not in detections['station'].to_list(): new_picks = {} if platform.system() == 'Windows': file_name = preprocessed_dir+"\\"+sttt+".hdf5" file_csv = preprocessed_dir+"\\"+sttt+".csv" else: file_name = preprocessed_dir+"/"+sttt+".hdf5" file_csv = preprocessed_dir+"/"+sttt+".csv" df = pd.read_csv(file_csv) df['start_time'] = pd.to_datetime(df['start_time']) mask = (df['start_time'] > detections.iloc[0]['event_start_time']-timedelta(seconds = moving_window)) & (df['start_time'] < detections.iloc[0]['event_start_time']+timedelta(seconds = moving_window)) df = df.loc[mask] dtfl = h5py.File(file_name, 'r') dataset = dtfl.get('data/'+df['trace_name'].to_list()[0]) data = np.array(dataset) cft = recursive_sta_lta(data[:,2], int(2.5 * 100), int(10. * 100)) on_of = trigger_onset(cft, thr_on, thr_of) if len(on_of) >= 1: p_pick, s_pick = ar_pick(data[:,2], data[:,1], data[:,0], 100, 1.0, 20.0, 1.0, 0.1, 4.0, 1.0, 2, 8, 0.1, 0.2) if (on_of[0][1]+100)/100 > p_pick > (on_of[0][0]-100)/100: # print('got one') new_picks['traceID'] = df['trace_name'].to_list()[0] new_picks['network'] = dataset.attrs["network_code"] new_picks['station'] = sttt new_picks['instrument_type'] = df['trace_name'].to_list()[0].split('_')[2] new_picks['stlat'] = round(dataset.attrs["receiver_latitude"], 4) new_picks['stlon'] = round(dataset.attrs["receiver_longitude"], 4) new_picks['stelv'] = round(dataset.attrs["receiver_elevation_m"], 2) new_picks['event_start_time'] = datetime.strptime(str(UTCDateTime(dataset.attrs['trace_start_time'].replace(' ', 'T')+'Z')+(on_of[0][0]/100)).replace('T', ' ').replace('Z', ''), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') new_picks['event_end_time'] = datetime.strptime(str(UTCDateTime(dataset.attrs['trace_start_time'].replace(' ', 'T')+'Z')+(on_of[0][1]/100)).replace('T', ' ').replace('Z', ''), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') new_picks['detection_prob'] = 0.3 new_picks['detection_unc'] = 0.6 new_picks['p_arrival_time'] = datetime.strptime(str(UTCDateTime(dataset.attrs['trace_start_time'].replace(' ', 'T')+'Z')+p_pick).replace('T', ' ').replace('Z', ''), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') new_picks['p_prob'] = 0.3 new_picks['p_unc'] = 0.6 new_picks['p_snr'] = None new_picks['s_arrival_time'] = None new_picks['s_prob'] = 0.0 new_picks['s_unc'] = None new_picks['s_snr'] = None new_picks['amp'] = None detections = detections.append(new_picks , ignore_index=True) return detections def _dbs_associator(start_time, end_time, moving_window, tbl, pair_n, save_dir, station_list, consider_combination=False): if consider_combination==True: if platform.system() == 'Windows': Y2000_writer = open(save_dir+"\\"+"Y2000.phs", "w") else: Y2000_writer = open(save_dir+"/"+"Y2000.phs", "w") traceNmae_dic = dict() st = datetime.strptime(start_time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') et = datetime.strptime(end_time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') total_t = et-st; evid = 0; tt = st pbar = tqdm(total= int(np.ceil(total_t.total_seconds()/moving_window)), ncols=100) while tt < et: detections = tbl[(tbl.event_start_time >= tt) & (tbl.event_start_time < tt+timedelta(seconds = moving_window))] pbar.update() if len(detections) >= pair_n: evid += 1 yr = "{:>4}".format(str(detections.iloc[0]['event_start_time']).split(' ')[0].split('-')[0]) mo = "{:>2}".format(str(detections.iloc[0]['event_start_time']).split(' ')[0].split('-')[1]) dy = "{:>2}".format(str(detections.iloc[0]['event_start_time']).split(' ')[0].split('-')[2]) hr = "{:>2}".format(str(detections.iloc[0]['event_start_time']).split(' ')[1].split(':')[0]) mi = "{:>2}".format(str(detections.iloc[0]['event_start_time']).split(' ')[1].split(':')[1]) sec = "{:>4}".format(str(detections.iloc[0]['event_start_time']).split(' ')[1].split(':')[2]) st_lat_DMS = _decimalDegrees2DMS(float(detections.iloc[0]['stlat']), "Latitude") st_lon_DMS = _decimalDegrees2DMS(float(detections.iloc[0]['stlon']), "Longitude") depth = 5.0 mag = 0.0 # QuakeML print(detections.iloc[0]['event_start_time']) if len(detections)/pair_n <= 2: ch = pair_n else: ch = int(len(detections)-pair_n) picks = [] for ns in range(ch, len(detections)+1): comb = 0 for ind in list(combinations(detections.index, ns)): comb+=1 selected_detections = detections.loc[ind,:] sorted_detections = selected_detections.sort_values('p_arrival_time') Y2000_writer.write("%4d%2d%2d%2d%2d%4.2f%2.0f%1s%4.2f%3.0f%1s%4.2f%5.2f%3.2f\n"% (int(yr),int(mo),int(dy), int(hr),int(mi),float(sec),float(st_lat_DMS[0]), str(st_lat_DMS[1]), float(st_lat_DMS[2]),float(st_lon_DMS[0]), str(st_lon_DMS[1]), float(st_lon_DMS[2]),float(depth), float(mag))); station_buffer=[]; row_buffer=[]; tr_names=[]; tr_names2=[] for _, row in sorted_detections.iterrows(): trace_name = row['traceID']+'*'+row['station']+'*'+str(row['event_start_time']) p_unc = row['p_unc'] p_prob = row['p_prob'] s_unc = row['s_unc'] s_prob = row['s_prob'] station = "{:<5}".format(row['station']) network = "{:<2}".format(row['network']) try: yrp = "{:>4}".format(str(row['p_arrival_time']).split(' ')[0].split('-')[0]) mop = "{:>2}".format(str(row['p_arrival_time']).split(' ')[0].split('-')[1]) dyp = "{:>2}".format(str(row['p_arrival_time']).split(' ')[0].split('-')[2]) hrp = "{:>2}".format(str(row['p_arrival_time']).split(' ')[1].split(':')[0]) mip = "{:>2}".format(str(row['p_arrival_time']).split(' ')[1].split(':')[1]) sec_p = "{:>4}".format(str(row['p_arrival_time']).split(' ')[1].split(':')[2]) p = Pick(time=UTCDateTime(row['p_arrival_time']), waveform_id=WaveformStreamID(network_code=network, station_code=station.rstrip()), phase_hint="P") picks.append(p) if p_unc: Pweihgt = _weighcalculator_prob(p_prob*(1-p_unc)) else: Pweihgt = _weighcalculator_prob(p_prob) try: Pweihgt = int(Pweihgt) except Exception: Pweihgt = 4 except Exception: sec_p = None try: yrs = "{:>4}".format(str(row['s_arrival_time']).split(' ')[0].split('-')[0]) mos = "{:>2}".format(str(row['s_arrival_time']).split(' ')[0].split('-')[1]) dys = "{:>2}".format(str(row['s_arrival_time']).split(' ')[0].split('-')[2]) hrs = "{:>2}".format(str(row['s_arrival_time']).split(' ')[1].split(':')[0]) mis = "{:>2}".format(str(row['s_arrival_time']).split(' ')[1].split(':')[1]) sec_s = "{:>4}".format(str(row['s_arrival_time']).split(' ')[1].split(':')[2]) p = Pick(time=UTCDateTime(row['p_arrival_time']), waveform_id=WaveformStreamID(network_code=network, station_code=station.rstrip()), phase_hint="S") picks.append(p) if s_unc: Sweihgt = _weighcalculator_prob(s_prob*(1-s_unc)) else: Sweihgt = _weighcalculator_prob(s_prob) try: Sweihgt = int(Sweihgt) except Exception: Sweihgt = 4 except Exception: sec_s = None if row['station'] not in station_buffer: tr_names.append(trace_name) station_buffer.append(row['station']) if sec_s: Y2000_writer.write("%5s%2s HHE %4d%2d%2d%2d%2d%5.2f %5.2fES %1d\n"% (station,network,int(yrs),int(mos),int(dys),int(hrs),int(mis), float(0.0),float(sec_s), Sweihgt)) if sec_p: Y2000_writer.write("%5s%2s HHZ IP %1d%4d%2d%2d%2d%2d%5.2f %5.2f 0\n"% (station,network,Pweihgt,int(yrp),int(mop),int(dyp),int(hrp), int(mip),float(sec_p),float(0.0))) else : tr_names2.append(trace_name) if sec_s: row_buffer.append("%5s%2s HHE %4d%2d%2d%2d%2d%5.2f %5.2fES %1d\n"%(station,network, int(yrs),int(mos),int(dys), int(hrs),int(mis),0.0, float(sec_s), Sweihgt)); if sec_p: row_buffer.append("%5s%2s HHZ IP %1d%4d%2d%2d%2d%2d%5.2f %5.2f 0\n"%(station,network, Pweihgt, int(yrp),int(mop),int(dyp), int(hrp),int(mip),float(sec_p), float(0.0))); Y2000_writer.write("{:<62}".format(' ')+"%10d"%(evid)+'\n'); traceNmae_dic[str(evid)] = tr_names if len(row_buffer) >= 2*pair_n: Y2000_writer.write("%4d%2d%2d%2d%2d%4.2f%2.0f%1s%4.2f%3.0f%1s%4.2f%5.2f%3.2f\n"% (int(yr),int(mo),int(dy),int(hr),int(mi),float(sec), float(st_lat_DMS[0]), str(st_lat_DMS[1]), float(st_lat_DMS[2]), float(st_lon_DMS[0]), str(st_lon_DMS[1]), float(st_lon_DMS[2]), float(depth), float(mag))); for rr in row_buffer: Y2000_writer.write(rr); Y2000_writer.write("{:<62}".format(' ')+"%10d"%(evid)+'\n'); traceNmae_dic[str(evid)] = tr_names2 tt += timedelta(seconds= moving_window) # plt.scatter(LTTP, TTP, s=10, marker='o', c='b', alpha=0.4, label='P') # plt.scatter(LTTS, TTS, s=10, marker='o', c='r', alpha=0.4, label='S') # plt.legend('upper right') # print('The Number of Realizations: '+str(evid)+'\n', flush=True) jj = json.dumps(traceNmae_dic) if platform.system() == 'Windows': f = open(save_dir+"\\"+"traceNmae_dic.json","w") else: f = open(save_dir+"/"+"traceNmae_dic.json","w") f.write(jj) f.close() else: if platform.system() == 'Windows': Y2000_writer = open(save_dir+"\\"+"Y2000.phs", "w") else: Y2000_writer = open(save_dir+"/"+"Y2000.phs", "w") cat = Catalog() traceNmae_dic = dict() st = datetime.strptime(start_time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') et = datetime.strptime(end_time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') total_t = et-st; evid = 200000; evidd = 100000 tt = st pbar = tqdm(total= int(np.ceil(total_t.total_seconds()/moving_window))) while tt < et: detections = tbl[(tbl.event_start_time >= tt) & (tbl.event_start_time < tt+timedelta(seconds = moving_window))] pbar.update() if len(detections) >= pair_n: yr = "{:>4}".format(str(detections.iloc[0]['event_start_time']).split(' ')[0].split('-')[0]) mo = "{:>2}".format(str(detections.iloc[0]['event_start_time']).split(' ')[0].split('-')[1]) dy = "{:>2}".format(str(detections.iloc[0]['event_start_time']).split(' ')[0].split('-')[2]) hr = "{:>2}".format(str(detections.iloc[0]['event_start_time']).split(' ')[1].split(':')[0]) mi = "{:>2}".format(str(detections.iloc[0]['event_start_time']).split(' ')[1].split(':')[1]) sec = "{:>4}".format(str(detections.iloc[0]['event_start_time']).split(' ')[1].split(':')[2]) st_lat_DMS = _decimalDegrees2DMS(float(detections.iloc[0]['stlat']), "Latitude") st_lon_DMS = _decimalDegrees2DMS(float(detections.iloc[0]['stlon']), "Longitude") depth = 5.0 mag = 0.0 Y2000_writer.write("%4d%2d%2d%2d%2d%4.2f%2.0f%1s%4.2f%3.0f%1s%4.2f%5.2f%3.2f\n"%(int(yr),int(mo),int(dy), int(hr),int(mi),float(sec), float(st_lat_DMS[0]), str(st_lat_DMS[1]), float(st_lat_DMS[2]), float(st_lon_DMS[0]), str(st_lon_DMS[1]), float(st_lon_DMS[2]), float(depth), float(mag))); event = Event() origin = Origin(time=UTCDateTime(detections.iloc[0]['event_start_time']), longitude=detections.iloc[0]['stlon'], latitude=detections.iloc[0]['stlat'], method="EqTransformer") station_buffer = [] row_buffer = [] sorted_detections = detections.sort_values('p_arrival_time') tr_names = [] tr_names2 = [] picks = [] for _, row in sorted_detections.iterrows(): trace_name = row['traceID']+'*'+row['station']+'*'+str(row['event_start_time']) p_unc = row['p_unc'] p_prob = row['p_prob'] s_unc = row['s_unc'] s_prob = row['s_prob'] station = "{:<5}".format(row['station']) network = "{:<2}".format(row['network']) try: yrp = "{:>4}".format(str(row['p_arrival_time']).split(' ')[0].split('-')[0]) mop = "{:>2}".format(str(row['p_arrival_time']).split(' ')[0].split('-')[1]) dyp = "{:>2}".format(str(row['p_arrival_time']).split(' ')[0].split('-')[2]) hrp = "{:>2}".format(str(row['p_arrival_time']).split(' ')[1].split(':')[0]) mip = "{:>2}".format(str(row['p_arrival_time']).split(' ')[1].split(':')[1]) sec_p = "{:>4}".format(str(row['p_arrival_time']).split(' ')[1].split(':')[2]) p = Pick(time=UTCDateTime(row['p_arrival_time']), waveform_id=WaveformStreamID(network_code=network, station_code=station.rstrip()), phase_hint="P", method_id="EqTransformer") picks.append(p) if p_unc: Pweihgt = _weighcalculator_prob(p_prob*(1-p_unc)) else: Pweihgt = _weighcalculator_prob(p_prob) try: Pweihgt = int(Pweihgt) except Exception: Pweihgt = 4 except Exception: sec_p = None try: yrs = "{:>4}".format(str(row['s_arrival_time']).split(' ')[0].split('-')[0]) mos = "{:>2}".format(str(row['s_arrival_time']).split(' ')[0].split('-')[1]) dys = "{:>2}".format(str(row['s_arrival_time']).split(' ')[0].split('-')[2]) hrs = "{:>2}".format(str(row['s_arrival_time']).split(' ')[1].split(':')[0]) mis = "{:>2}".format(str(row['s_arrival_time']).split(' ')[1].split(':')[1]) sec_s = "{:>4}".format(str(row['s_arrival_time']).split(' ')[1].split(':')[2]) p = Pick(time=UTCDateTime(row['s_arrival_time']), waveform_id=WaveformStreamID(network_code=network, station_code=station.rstrip()), phase_hint="S", method_id="EqTransformer") picks.append(p) if s_unc: Sweihgt = _weighcalculator_prob(s_prob*(1-s_unc)) else: Sweihgt = _weighcalculator_prob(s_prob) try: Sweihgt = int(Sweihgt) except Exception: Sweihgt = 4 except Exception: sec_s = None if row['station'] not in station_buffer: tr_names.append(trace_name) station_buffer.append(row['station']) if sec_s: Y2000_writer.write("%5s%2s HHE %4d%2d%2d%2d%2d%5.2f %5.2fES %1d\n"%(station,network, int(yrs),int(mos),int(dys), int(hrs),int(mis),float(0.0), float(sec_s), Sweihgt)) if sec_p: Y2000_writer.write("%5s%2s HHZ IP %1d%4d%2d%2d%2d%2d%5.2f %5.2f 0\n"%(station,network, Pweihgt, int(yrp),int(mop),int(dyp), int(hrp),int(mip),float(sec_p), float(0.0))) else : tr_names2.append(trace_name) if sec_s: row_buffer.append("%5s%2s HHE %4d%2d%2d%2d%2d%5.2f %5.2fES %1d\n"%(station,network, int(yrs),int(mos),int(dys), int(hrs),int(mis),0.0, float(sec_s), Sweihgt)); if sec_p: row_buffer.append("%5s%2s HHZ IP %1d%4d%2d%2d%2d%2d%5.2f %5.2f 0\n"%(station,network, Pweihgt, int(yrp),int(mop),int(dyp), int(hrp),int(mip),float(sec_p), float(0.0))); event.picks = picks event.preferred_origin_id =[0].resource_id cat.append(event) evid += 1 Y2000_writer.write("{:<62}".format(' ')+"%10d"%(evid)+'\n'); traceNmae_dic[str(evid)] = tr_names if len(row_buffer) >= 2*pair_n: Y2000_writer.write("%4d%2d%2d%2d%2d%4.2f%2.0f%1s%4.2f%3.0f%1s%4.2f%5.2f%3.2f\n"% (int(yr),int(mo),int(dy),int(hr),int(mi),float(sec), float(st_lat_DMS[0]), str(st_lat_DMS[1]), float(st_lat_DMS[2]), float(st_lon_DMS[0]), str(st_lon_DMS[1]), float(st_lon_DMS[2]), float(depth), float(mag))); for rr in row_buffer: Y2000_writer.write(rr); evid += 1 Y2000_writer.write("{:<62}".format(' ')+"%10d"%(evid)+'\n'); traceNmae_dic[str(evid)] = tr_names2 elif len(row_buffer) < pair_n and len(row_buffer) != 0: evidd += 1 traceNmae_dic[str(evidd)] = tr_names2 elif len(detections) < pair_n and len(detections) != 0: tr_names = [] for _, row in detections.iterrows(): trace_name = row['traceID'] tr_names.append(trace_name) evidd += 1 traceNmae_dic[str(evidd)] = tr_names tt += timedelta(seconds= moving_window) print('The Number of Associated Events: '+str(evid-200000)+'\n', flush=True) jj = json.dumps(traceNmae_dic) if platform.system() == 'Windows': f = open(save_dir+"\\"+"traceNmae_dic.json","w") else: f = open(save_dir+"/"+"traceNmae_dic.json","w") f.write(jj) f.close() print(cat.__str__(print_all=True)) cat.write(save_dir+"/associations.xml", format="QUAKEML")